Get connected

We like to be an open community, and therefore happily welcome new contacts. We frequently welcome visitors from abroad. There are several ways to get connected.

Connect directly

Our Sunday morning service is the best way to connect directly. Although we do not have English services there will always be someone willing to guide you through the liturgy. Another way to connect directly is by calling our pastor, Rev. Sietse van Kammen, at +31 23 535 10 01.

Connect through email

Of course you can also connect through email. Our general email address is secretariaat[at] You can also email our pastor (vankammen[at] We urge you not to leave full address details in a posted comment. Comments are published without moderation and are publicly visible.

Connect through Twitter

Another possibility to get connected is through Twitter. We not just use Twitter to publish announcements, so feel free to contact us using up to 140 characters.